Lee Raney
This semester (Spring
2017), I am teaching the following courses at UNA. Students,
please log in to Canvas
for more information.
- MA 105-I01
Intro to Finite Math, Online
- MA 227
Calculus III, MTWR 10-10:50, MAB 6
- CS 490/MA
491 Cryptography, R 2-4:45, MAB 7
- MA 612
Technology and Programming in Mathematics, M 5-7:45, MAB 7
Courses taught at UNA:
- MA 105 Introduction
to Finite Mathematics (Sum16, F16, S17)
- MA 110 Finite
Mathematics (F13, S14, Sum14, F14, S15, S16)
- MA 112 Precalculus
Algebra (F13)
- MA 115 Precalculus
Algebra and Trigonometry (F15, S16)
- MA 181H Freshman
Honors Seminar - Math of Voting and Elections (F15)
- MA 125 Calculus I
- MA 126 Calculus II
- MA 227 Calculus III
(F13, S14, S15, F15, S17)
- MA 237 Linear
Algebra (S16)
- MA 355 Differential
Equations (S14)
- MA 431 Advanced
Linear Algebra I (S15, F15)
- MA 437 Intro to
Abstract Algebra I (F14)
- MA 438 Intro to
Abstract Algebra II (S16)
- MA 455 Complex
Analysis (S15)
- MA 491 Senior
Seminar - Complex Analysis II (F15)
- MA 491 Senior
Seminar - Math in Industry (S16)
- MA 491/CS 490 Senior
Seminar - Cryptography (S17)
- MA 495 Undergraduate
Directed Research - Sliding Disk Puzzles and Permutation
Groups (S15)
- MA 495 Undergraduate
Directed Research - 3-D Printing in the Mathematics Classroom
- MA 612 Selected
Topics in Mathematics for the Secondary Teacher - Technology
and Programming in Mathematics (S17)
- MA 615 History and
Philosophy of Mathematics (F16)
taught at the University of Florida:
- MGF 1106 Mathematics
for Liberal Arts Majors I
- MGF 1107 Mathematics
for Liberal Arts Majors II
- MAC 1114
- MAC 1140 Precalculus
- MAC 1147
Precalculus: Algebra and Trigonometry
- MAC 2233 Survey of
Calculus I
- MAC 2311 Analytic
Geometry and Calculus I
- MAC 2312 Analytic
Geometry and Calculus II
- MAC 2313 Analytic
Geometry and Calculus III
- MAS 4203
Introduction to Number Theory
Courses taught at
Florida Atlantic University:
- MAC 1105 Beginning
College Algebra
- STA 2023
Introductory Statistics
Lee Raney