tate Coordinator
Richard L. West

AOS Census Committee
Chairman and Records Curator

Greg Jackson

Regional Coordinators

Region 1
Paul Kittle
Tom Haggerty

Region 2

Steve McConnell

Region 3

Stan and Dana Hamilton

Region 4

Greg Harber

Region 5

Shawn Reed

Region 6

Larry Gardella

Region 7

Charles Kennedy

Region 8

Don Ware

Region 9

Howard Horne

Maps &
Tom Haggerty


Species MapsMethodsState MapsTablesMaps BookAcknowledgments


Welcome to the 2000-2006 Alabama Breeding Bird Atlas web site.  Breeding bird atlas projects are designed to map the distribution of breeding birds within a geographic area - in this instance, Alabama.  The 168 species distribution maps and tables were generated using data collected in 10-square-mile areas by volunteer surveyors, conservation organizations and agencies, and interested individuals who reported birds seen during their nesting season.

The atlas results posted on this web site provide a complete and reliable picture of breeding bird distribution in Alabama. The information should prove useful to scientists, conservationists, land managers, and government agencies, as well as casual observers simply interested in learning more about birds. The data provided by this web site will serve as a suitable baseline against which comparisons can be made 20 or 200 years from now as we monitor our changing planet.  Included with the species map pages are excellent links to web sites that provide additional information (e.g., pictures, vocalizations, range maps, status of species in Alabama, and natural history). For those interested in a printed copy of a species map, a "print quality" pdf file accompanies each map or maps can be downloaded from the "Maps Book" page.

The primary objectives of the web site are:

  • To provide breeding distribution maps for every bird species breeding in Alabama.

  • To provide maps that display a 12% sample of reliably studied areas useful for statistical projections and as a baseline against which future changes in the status of breeding birds in Alabama can be measured.

  • To provide tables that help summarize and interpret atlas results.

  • To provide additional maps and links to sites that can help interpret the atlas results and help people learn more about birds.

We hope you enjoy the site and return often.

                                   Alabama Breeding Bird Atlas Committee of the AOS

 © Alabama Breeding Bird Atlas - All Rights Reserved
 Citation for website: Alabama Breeding Bird Atlas 2000-2006 Homepage. 22 January 2009, T. M. Haggerty (Editor), Alabama Ornithological Society,
 [cited DAY MONTH YEAR ]. Available from: