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Costa Rica

Stuck in a Suitcase

Maybe my suitcase will turn into a magic carpet. 🙂

It’s the night before we are going to leave and I am beyond excited! I have been reading about Costa Rica since my Spanish 352 class, so getting to be able to go is a dream for me. Yeah for one check on my bucket list!

This is my first time being outside of the country, but I think that this is a perfect first because I will be going to a school (CPI) and living with a host family. I’m nervous because I have not spoken or used the language in a year and a half, but I’m sure my mama tica will still love me. 🙂 It’s difficult to pull your big dogs on and go to an unfamiliarplace to live for a while. I like doing new things, but this is definitely a big step for me.

i feel pretty well prepared for this trip. The list that we were given was pretty comprehensive and it was taken so seriously that every time my mom went to the store, she brought me another tube of sunscreen or bug repellent. I love that woman. 

Adios from a very excited traveller!



Olivia Melvin

Hi, everyone! I'm a 20-year-old senior majoring in Sociology and minoring in Psychology and Spanish. I'm originally from Puyallup, WA, but I've lived in six states since then with my six brothers and sisters. Visiting Costa Rica will be my first time leaving the country, but I hope it will be a precursor for future traveling adventures!

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2 Responses to “Stuck in a Suitcase”

  1. Have a great trip and an even better experience!

    Posted by Craig | July 18, 2013, 12:23 am

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