Dr. D. Brian Thompson

Assistant Professor of Physics

B.S., 1987, Kentucky Wesleyan College

M.S., 1990, University of Kentucky

Ph.D., 1994, University of Kentucky

Office: 219 Floyd Science Building

Telephone: (256) 765-4881
  Fax: (256) 765-4795



Brian joined the UNA faculty in 1999 after working at synchrotron radiation laboratories in the United States, England, and Italy.  Recently, he built an "optical tweezers" to trap micron-sized particles.

To see recent optical tweezers experiments choose from the following movies (*.wmv files):

*.wmv Files Size (Mb) *.mpg Files Size (Mb)
Moving a particle 2.7 Moving a particle 3.8
Rotating a particle 6.7 Rotating a particle 9.5
Trapping a particle 6.7 Trapping a particle 9.5
Trapping two particles 4.0 Trapping two particles 6.0
Two particles dancing 10.7 Two particles dancing 15.9



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Last update Sept. 4, 2001

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