Department of Computer Science & Information Systems
University of North Alabama
◊ Current courses

CS 155
Computer Science I

CS 440
Computer Networking

CS 455
Software Engineering

◊ Past courses

CS 110
Intro to Computers

CS 120
Intermediate Computer Topics

CS 135
Computer Skills for
Problem Solving

CS 155
Computer Science I

CS 249
Information Security (CIS 249)

CS 255
Computer Science II

CS 311
Computer Architecture

CS 325
Programming for the Web

CS 335
New Developments
in Programming

CS 355
Data Structures & Algorithms

CS 421
Automata Theory &
Compiler Construction

CS 430
Design & Analysis
of Algorithms

CS 440
Computer Networking

CS 447
Theory and Applications of Database Systems

CS 455
Software Engineering

CS 470
Artificial Intelligence

CS 490
Cryptography (MA 491)

CS 490
Undergraduate Research
in Computer Science

CS 490
Senior Seminar/Honors Capstone

CIS 376
Web Development

ITE 376
Secure Software Development

ITE 449
Infrastructure Security


Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Computer Science students interested in pursuing an undergraduate research project may contact me for additional information. Students may participate in undergraduate research in two ways:
  1. Individual, independent study conducted on a topic selected by the student
  2. Individual or group studies conducted on an existing faculty member's research interest
Either one of these options may be supported by the University's Undergraduate Research Program (URP) or Quality Enhancement Program (QEP). Many of the student projects I supervise are interdisciplinary.

Current Student Research Projects
Current Undergraduate Research Groups
Past Student Research Projects
  • Whittney Emerson - The Impact of CS Making Activities on Under-represented Student's Perceptions of Computer Science
  • Ryan Hicks - The Impact of CS Making Activities on Attitudes about Computer Science
  • Bella Martinez, Computer Science - Authentication on the web
  • Derek Brown, Computer Science/Mathematics - A Cryptanalysis of the Autokey Cipher Using the Index of Coincidence, Faculty Co-advisors: Dr. Raney & Dr. Jerkins
  • Hannah Hopkins, Computer Science/Mathematics - Perceptions of Trust in Artificial Intelligence Software
  • Tyler Delano, Computer Science/Mathematics - Characteristics of Bias Free Algorithms
  • Chuck Chiriaco, Computer Science/Mathematics - SHA-1 Collision Attacks with Parallel Computation
  • Morgan Burcham, Computer Science/Mathematics - Mitigating Return-oriented Programming Attacks
  • Shae Erisson, Interdisciplinary Studies - Multiuser Browser-based Interactive GHCI, Google Summer of Code
Past Undergraduate Research Groups

Bridge Scholar's Group

Classifying Software Security Defects with Machine Learning

  • Student Researchers
    • David Marsh
    • Bryson Sirbaugh
    • Ethan Hood
    • Austin Rasberry
  • Faculty Advisor
    • Dr. Jerkins

Math/Computer Science Undergraduate Research Team

Model Rocket Flight and Simulation as a Pedagogical Tool

  • Student Researchers
    • Elly Couch - Mathematics/Secondary Education
    • Kayla Dailey - Mathematics/Physics/Computer Science
  • Faculty Advisors
    • Dr. Stenger and Dr. Jerkins
An Investigation of New Algorithmic Approaches to Analyze Weather Data
  • Student Researchers
    • Amy Brown - Mathematics
    • Arin Graham - Computer Science
    • Lacey Richards - Mathematics/Computer Science
  • Faculty Advisors
    • Dr. Stenger, Dr. Stovall, and Dr. Jerkins
Software Simulation of Flight as a Pedagogical Tool for Teaching Projectile Motion
  • Student Researchers
    • Ben Moore - Mathematics/Biology
    • Baillie Haddock - Mathematics/Secondary Education
    • Patrick Lindsay - Computer Science
  • Faculty Advisors
    • Dr. Stenger, Dr. Stovall, and Dr. Jerkins
Model Rocket Flight as a Pedagogical Tool for Teaching Projectile Motion
  • Student Researchers
    • Ryan Paine - Early College/English
    • Elly Couch - Mathematics/Secondary Education
    • Atticus Wright - Computer Science
  • Faculty Advisors
    • Dr. Stenger, Dr. Stovall, and Dr. Jerkins
Leveling the Playing Field for Women with Immediate Immersion into Beginning Programming in a Problem Based Learning Environment
  • Student Researchers
    • Emilee Lloyd - Mathematics/Secondary Education
    • Jordan Davis - Computer Science
  • Faculty Advisors
    • Dr. Stenger, Dr. Stovall, Dr. Jenkins, and Dr. Jerkins
Last updated 08/19/24