9 & 10. DNA Structure, Function,
and Gene Expression
I. DNA Structure
– discovered in 1953 by James Watson (U.S.) & Francis Crick
Acid is a double stranded molecule, each strand consisting of
repeating subunits called nucleotides - monomers of DNA that
contain nitrogenous bases [4 kinds in DNA]: Adenine
(A), Thymine (T), Cytosine (C), and Guanine (G). See Figure 9.4 p.
. . . T
. . . A
. . . G
. . . C
sequence of N-bases of 2nd strand is dictated by
the 1st strand, such that Adenine pairs with Thymine and
Cytosine pairs with Guanine (this is complementary base pairing). To complete this model of DNA structure, imagine a flexible ladder where the rungs of the latter are paired
N-bases; grab the latter by the sides & twist
= Double Helix. See Figure 9.5, p. 141.
structure – DNA is a double stranded polymer of
a long sequence of four repeating nucleotides
for their nitrogenous bases Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine,
Guanine) arranged in complementary pairs.
base pairing explains a lot about molecular genetics.
DNA Function – the following are functional aspects of DNA
1. DNA stores
genetic information in the form of a molecular code
2. DNA
self-replicates – DNA molecules are copied or cloned
3. DNA
releases specific genetic instructions at appropriate times via protein
4. DNA is
capable of mutating (the ultimate source of all allelic variation!)
1. The
Genetic Code
DNA code
is a triplet code where a sequence of 3 nucleotide bases along one strand
of DNA (the template strand) codes for 1 amino
acid. There are
64 possible triplets in varying all possible triplet combinations of 4
nucleotide bases (N-bases), yet there are only
20 Amino Acids.
ex. TTA
– codes for the amino acid Asparagine
GGA – codes for the amino acid Proline
AAA – codes for the amino acid Phenylalanine
AAG – also codes for the amino acid Phenylalanine
there is redundancy in the code. DNA
doesn’t make the amino acids, it just specifies that the amino acid
should be inserted here in the building of something huge, a large polymer
of amino acids, a specific protein.
This code is universal among all life. The coded information held by a segment of DNA needed to produce a protein
constitutes a gene. A gene is
a sequence of nucleotides that codes for the amino acid sequence of a
protein. A DNA molecule of a
chromosome is contains hundreds of genes.
DNA Replication-produces 2 exact copies of DNA (see fig. 9.7,
p. 143)
Requires several enzymes: especially
DNA Polymerase (this enzyme is also important in genetic
A. DNA uncoils &
the 2 sides pull apart (all under control of enzymes)
B. New sides are
formed on each old half by complementary base pairing with free
nucleotides (DNA Polymerase promotes the synthesis of the new side or
=semiconservative replication: each new DNA molecule has 1
old and 1 new strand.
3. Protein
synthesis (Ch. 10)- Amino acids are assembled and bound together to
form proteins at ribosomes that occur in the cytoplasm (ribosomes may be
bound to endoplasmic reticulum or not); however, the instructions (genes)
for protein synthesis are in the nucleus.
A simple solution - make a copy of the instructions (a transcript
if you will) & send the copy
out of the nucleus into the cytoplasm where ribosomes occur.
A. Transcription -
produces a “copy” of the gene in the form of a complimentary strand of
RNA for export to cytoplasm (see fig. 10.2 in Starr).
Under control of the enzyme RNA polymerase the two strands of DNA must buckle apart, exposing a segment of
the template strand of DNA; Also under the control of RNA polymerase, complementary base pairing
occurs between the DNA template strand and free RNA nucleotides (the
monomers of RNA, i.e. adenine, uracil, guanine, &
cytosine come one at a
time to temporarily bond to the DNA template strand in complementary
fashion). The result is a new strand of RNA nucleotides which detaches from the DNA template and
and (after some modification ) leaves the nucleus as
messenger RNA, or mRNA.
template transcribed
├ T
A ┤
├ G
├ C
G ┤
├ A
U ┤
├ T
A ┤
note: RNA
contains Uracil in place of Thymine, no Thymine is found in RNA, [simply
substitute a “U” wherever a “T” would normally complimentary
Translation – the assembly of a specific sequence of amino
acids based on the codon sequence of mRNA;
builds a particular protein; occurs at ribosomes in the cytoplasm
or at ribosomes on endoplasmic reticulum. Ribosomes interact with
mRNA, tRNA, and amino acids facilitating their alignment and the
formation of peptide bonds between juxtaposed amino acids.
this term: codon
- a triplet of N-bases on mRNA, complementary to the code of DNA.
Each codon codes for 1 Amino Acid (see fig. 10.4, p. 150)
mRNA “rests” within a ribosome and codons are “translated” by
another type of RNA, transfer RNA, or tRNA
Translation is based on complimentary base pairing between the
codon sequence of mRNA and an anticodon
sequence of tRNA.
Know this term:
anticodon – a triplet
of N-bases found on tRNA; anticodons pair in complimentary fashion with specific
codon sequences on mRNA and deliver specific amino acids (see fig. 10.7,
p. 152-153).
Each tRNA
with a particular anticodon sequence will carry only one type of amino
acid. tRNA’s simply act as
transports delivering the appropriate amino acids to the ribosome as
dictated by the codon sequence on mRNA.
The amino acids once delivered to the ribosome form peptide bonds
and assemble into a particular type of protein.
structure of DNA and the genetic code are extremely simple.
But understanding the interaction among genes and the influence of
the environment is incredibly complex.
This idea was expressed in a National Geographic article published
Oct. 1999 (see p. 55 to read analogy to piano keyboard if you have a
4. DNA is
capable of mutating. Mutations at the level of DNA involve changes in the normal sequence of N-Bases found in DNA.
A genetic mutation may result in a different amino acid sequence in
the protein produced. A
change in the amino acid sequence may result in an altered function for
the protein.
A. Mutations in DNA have given rise to alternate forms of genes
(i.e., alleles)
ex. The gene for hemoglobin molecules is 1000’s of base pairs
long and codes for 100’s of amino acids that comprise the protein hemoglobin.
A portion of the gene (the template strand) is shown below:
The arrows indicate the amino acid coded for in the particular sequence.
normal DNA
mutated DNA

For the mutated DNA valine will be inserted where glutamate would
normally occur, note that this
error is the result of a single base
change. The resulting hemoglobin with a valine in place of a
glutamate fails to support the shape of RBC
and sickle-shaped RBC may result. An advantage of this
mutation, however, is that the malarial parasite is less likely to survive
in one who
carries this mutation. It seems that a modest amount of
collapsed RBC deters the parasite yet is does little harm to the oxygen
capacity of one's blood stream. Thus, heterozygotes, i.e.
carriers of the sickle-cell allele, enjoy protection from malaria and the
potential to have children homozygous for the allele and who thus
develop sickle-cell anemia.
Mutations in DNA acted upon by natural selection have given
rise to adaptations.
mutant mosquitoes withstand pesticides, mutant bacteria withstand
antibiotics. The mutants make altered proteins which provide for an
altered metabolism enabling them to live with the poison pesticide or
antibiotic. More about this in our coverage of microevolution
(chapter 12).