Links and Images |
Bacillariophyta | Chlorophyta | Chrysophyta | Cyanophyta | Dinopyta | Euglenophyta | Rhodophyta |
Links and Miscellaneous Stuff
Our images of freshwater red algae in Alabama (Caloglossa, Compsopogon, Batrachospermum, Audouinella) | |
Micscape Magazine article on Batrachospermum | |
Euglena |
Phacus |
loricates Protist
Images: Euglenida: Strombomonas |
Dinoflagellates web page |
Links to a few of the many web pages on Pfiesteria
Peridinium |
Our images of Chlorophytes are below. Click on images to enlarge. |
Chlorella as an endosymbiont in Hydra from local water garden. |
Closterium, a desmid with polar vacuoles & ridged chloroplast see also this nice desmid article: Desmids see also for nice line drawings of desmids the following: The British Desmidieae 1848 - adapted for the internet |
Cladophora found attached to rock in waterfall | |
Coleochaete collected as epiphyte on Elodea in local water garden. This specimen has long setae. |
Draparnaldia from Tenn-Tom Waterway | |
Haematococcus The "bird bath alga" collected from local
bird bath |
Mougeotia with axial, laminate chloroplasts | |
Oedogonium from local water garden | |
Pediastrum collected from outdoor goldfish pond | |
Pleurotaenium from local water garden | |
Spirogyra conjugating (Feb. 13, 1999) from puddle | |
Spirogyra showing nucleus and pyrenoids | |
Stigioclonium collected from outdoor goldfish pond | |
Trentepohlia, a terrestrial alga
seen at King Srping: See web site link: Trentepohlia (University of Paisley: Biodiversity Reference) |
Zygnema from puddle see also this nice article: Zygnema - an attractive freshwater algae |
Ulothrix from golf course puddle |
Synura from ditch (2/14/99) | click image to enlarge |
Tribonema from puddle (2/13/99) | click image to enlarge |
Vaucheria from golf course pond | click image to enlarge |
Bacillariophyta Click here for
Introduction to the Bacillariophyta |
Melosira from wet ditch | click images to enlarge |
The Algae Home Page
/ Dept. Botany, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution Algae Image Index - a web site from Ohio University, excellent micrographs illustrating the major groups of algae. Seaweed Site |