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Ustad Wasifuddin Dagar, Indian
Classical Vocalist
Dhrupad is the oldest
and most profound style of Indian classical vocal music. Dagarvani dhrupad,
a genre that was nearly extinct half a century ago has prospered due to the
unique dedication of the Dagar family. Ustad F. Wasifuddin Dagar
represents the 20th generation of dedicated dhrupad singers in the
Dagar family. He is the nephew of Ustad N. Zahiruddin Dagar and son of Ustad N.
Faiyazuddin Dagar, the legendary younger “Dagar Brothers”. Though traditionally
his family has always performed dhrupad as a duet, Wasif (shorted form of
his name) successfully presents the dynamic of a duet in a solo performance by
maintaining the distinct musical approaches and styles of both his father and
Wasif’s early training was with
his uncle Ustad N. Zahiruddin Dagar, and his father Ustad N. Faiyazuddin Dagar.
Wasif also had the good fortune of the tutelage of his grand uncle Ustad
Rahimuddin Khan Dagar, a dhrupad exponent and his grandfather’s younger
brother. Other elders including uncles Ustad N. Aminuddin Dagar, and Ustad N.
Mohiuddin Dagar (renowned vina virtuoso) have also greatly
influenced him. Wasif continues to benefit from the knowledge, experience and
guidance of his uncles Ustad. R. Fahimuddin Dagar, Ustad Z. Fariduddin
Dagar, and Ustad. H. Sayeeduddin Dagar.
The untimely demise of his
father in February 1989 paired Wasif with his uncle and teacher Ustad N.
Zahiruddin Dagar, who taught him the crucial aspects of jugalbandi (duet)
a specialty of the Dagar family. As the “Dagar duo” they toured extensively.
Their concerts and music was the subject of the French television documentary “Dagarvani”
in 1992. They have also recorded in Switzerland, India, and America with major
recording labels. Since the demise of his uncle Ustad N. Zahiruddin Dagar in
1994, Wasif has been carrying on the tradition of Dagarvani solo. His
rendition of dhrupad is a unique blend of his uncle’s training, his
father’s quality of voice and temperament, and his in-depth knowledge of
dhrupad tradition. His innovative alap notes are spacious and
colorful, ranging across the three octaves delineating the personality of the
raga in great clarity. His gamaks are fast and sonorous yet retain the
softness and sweetness of the raga inherent in dhrupad renditions. Over
the years he has developed subtle variations and improvisations by modulation of
volume and sound application to present many shades of the same musical phrase.
The composite effect of his dhrupad rendition remains traditional,
merging techniques and styles of both his teachers. His is very popular with
young listeners for his lively lecture demonstrations illustrating old Vedic
technicalities through metaphors from daily life.
Wasif performs regularly and extensively on Indian
television and radio, at music festivals, and concerts. He performed for the
UNESCO in France, and also toured the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Hungary
in 1998, for the United Nations Peace Summit, and the World Festival of Scared
Music of the Dalai Lama in 2001. In several very successful concert tours, he
has performed extensively in the United States including at the Smithsonian
Institution in Washington DC, at Harvard University, and several other
prestigious venues. He has also toured Japan and Europe. A May-June 2003 concert
tourwas organized in France, Switzerland, the
Netherlands, and Finland. His performances have received rave reviews
in The Washington Post, The New York Times, and other world press. Despite his
active concert schedule, Wasif still finds time to teach many talented
youngsters grooming the next generation of torchbearers for this ancient august
Check out his Review at UCLA
Check out his Review in New York
Check out his Review of New York
Check out his Interview in
New York
Check out his Review at the India
International Center
Check out his Ensemble