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Life after the typhoon

I just wanted to write a quick post about the typhoon. For those of you  who don’t know a typhoon is the same thing as a hurricane in the states. It’s  called different things in different parts of the world. (If you didn’t know  this don’t feel bad I had to google it after every one kept talking about  preparing for the typhoon :)) Friday night on our way to the hotel the wind was very high. Buildings had put tape on  the glass to keep the windows from breaking (Idk how it works). Things like the  bird in the house that could be blown away by the “strong winds” were moved. It started raining early Saturday morning and continued until around 8 Saturday night. I woke up  around 3AM Saturday morning and  could hear the wind and rain clearly. Imagine the worst/loudest thunder storm  you have experienced minus the thunder and lightening haha. We decided to stay  inside because of the advice from our Taiwanese friends and quite frankly  because we were exhausted from the past week. I slept like never before lol (I  actually slept through the end of the typhoon). Afterwards we went to get dinner  and the entire city had returned to normal. People were out and the traffic was  heavy. A park close to the university was hit soo hard. Trees were uprooted and  shredded all from wind. I was so surprised at how calm everyone from here was.  Then it dawned on me just another day in the life of the Taiwanese. I did not  really understand the severity of what I had just experienced until I saw the  damage. Seeing images of hurricanes like Katrina is one thing but to really  experience it is completely different. I have the utmost respect for people who experience these things consistently.




Hello! My name is Abril Agnew. I was born and raised in the fabulous city of Florence, AL. I am a senior majoring in Interdisciplinary Studies with a concentration in Health Promotion. Traveling is something that I have always wanted to do. I have never been outside of the United States and I have only flown once previously. My professional aspiration is to become a doctor. I will be traveling to Taiwan to study at China Medical University. I am extremely passionate about people and helping others. It is my hope that my study abroad adventure will provide me with opportunities for growth. I am extremely excited to try the food and tour the country. While in Taiwan, I will be learning about Asian medicine, health, acupuncture and much more. I hope you enjoy the blog posts and pictures of my journey in Taiwan!

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