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Beijing Blues

We didn’t do much on day three besides going to some marketplaces, but day four was a totally different experience. Yesterday, we all went to the Great Wall of China. It was so incredible being there. I’ve seen pictures of it my whole life and have always wanted to go to it, and now I was finally there. We went to a section of the wall that was out in the middle of nowhere and it still hadn’t developed much for tourism. It was perfect though, because there weren’t many people there. Sometimes it would just be us at certain parts of our trek across it. And the trek was sometimes difficult because this part of the wall had begun to fall apart over time, but it was perfect because it felt authentic and adventurous to be climbing it. Later that day, Ning, the UNA professor native to China that I mentioned earlier, invited us to tag along with her as she visited her aunt and uncle, so we could see what a real Chinese family is actually like. So Kate Birdsong, who is another student attending the trip, and I tagged along with Ning to their home. While their apartment may have been small compared to American standards, it was very beautiful, and even though I couldn’t communicate with them very well, they were some of the kindest people I have ever met. This may have been my most unforgettable day in China so far. Sadly, today is my last day in Beijing. We will be taking a high speed train to our next destination, Xi’an, at noon. I wonder what Xi’an will have in store for us.


Colton McCormick

Colton McCormick, from Savannah, Tennessee has just finished his freshman year. He hopes his Study Abroad experience may help solidify his interest and help him in declaring a major. Before entering UNA, he has been to England, France and Italy, but has always wanted to travel to China. Follow his adventure.

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