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London Calling

london skyline

I’m not really sure how to begin this month long journey in London, but I think going to make one last midnight Taco Bell run was a wise decision.  I think when preparing for a trip you go through stages. First comes the excitement stage, where you download every travel app imaginable, and Google “exciting things to do in”. Then comes the realization stage, for me this was realizing my trip was two months away; I was still waiting on my passport, and I hadn’t booked a flight yet. After that is the get stuff done stage, or the “run around like a chicken with your head cut off, panicking  until your grandmother helps you through your to-do list all in one day like it was nothing stage” (seriously that woman is my hero). Now I’m in the let it go stage, just like Frozen taught me I’m casting my fears aside. I know  haven’t forgotten anything, and even if I have no point worrying now. Tomorrow I will probably enter a new stage, and be right back to my nervous OCD self; but for now I’m enjoying my cheesy fiesta potatoes in a truly American fast-food coma bliss.

Haleigh Scott

Haleigh Scott, from Madison, Alabama has just finished her freshman year. She is going to London to study the history and culture of burlesque. She is a Professional Chemistry major with minors in Math, Physics, and History.

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