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Sharing the Experience

Well here we are just a few days from our return to the good ole U.S. of A.! While we have been getting our ‘español’ on here at the Amauta school of, well you guessed it… Español, we have gained some great friendships with our Professors from Amauta.

Nury, Paula, Giovanna, Erik, and Jacqeline have been fantastic. They have welcomed us to their home of Cusco and carried us all over their ‘ciudad’. Taking us to museums, cafés, markets, and even playing soccer with us have just been a few things they have done.

We even had a great tour guide who knew his share of Peruvian archaeology – Luis. He was pretty much our field professor and made touring the country incredible. So to all of my ‘profesors’ and ‘profesoras’ here in Peru… hasta la vista!

Ciao mis amigos!

Dallas Moore

Dallas Moore will begin his Senior year in the Fall. He is ready to go abroad for the first time, and be immersed into the language of Peru because he is a Spanish and Business Major. He has kayaked Cypress Creek on many occasion. Follow his blog as he checks out the Floating Islands of Lake Titicaca this summer.

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