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Costa Rica

The Best Decision of my Life

“Endless Adventure and Untold Excitement Await.”
It’s a phrase that should be easy for a (true) nerd to point out. (Points if you are the first that can name where it comes from.) Regardless, I believe that it is honestly the best way to sum up my experience in Costa Rica so far. I knew that before I came here, I would probably love it. Well, there is absolutely no way I could have prepared myself to have such a blast in such a short time. We’ve been here for the past six and a half days and I’ve had a great time in my class and just being around Costa Rica with other cool people.

Let’s talk about class, you know, since this IS a school trip and all. The faculty and staff at CPI in Heredia has been incredibly helpful and they really have some top-notch instructors and resources. Classes are challenging (four hours of solid Spanish everyday in class, not to mention just interacting with the Ticos if you go out) but you have such a good time while you’re in class that it hardly seems like work. We often take about thirty minutes everyday and just chat among ourselves and our teacher. We tell jokes, discuss deep subjects and just talk like normal folks do (en español of course). I have found that kind of informal approach to language learning to be incredible for me. My first day with my family, I had a bit of a mini-freak out because I never had to speak THAT much Spanish before. Now, I can cut up and talk about our days with them and they genuinely treat me like a member of their family. I can tell a huge improvement in my Spanish-speaking abilities in just the few days that we’ve been here so far. I believe everyone else in the group would say the same.

Which brings me to my next topic. Our motley, yet intrepid, crew of Spanish learners. The fifteen of us have really become close through the course of our time here. As I type this, a few members of our group are bungee jumping off of a 250ft high bridge. I, wanting to keep my pants unsoiled and save some of the group from the shaming experience of me screaming like a five year old with a skinned knee, decided to stay at home and work on some homework. (Priorities you know) Anyway, what I like about this group is that there aren’t any whiners. I can’t stand a whiner, especially when adventure is afoot. Everyone is totally on board with whatever comes our way. The majority of the group has some legitimate adventuring credentials, and I think that really helps. For those that aren’t as well-traveled or experienced, I can’t think of a better place to pick up those skills than Costa Rica.

Applying for this program was easily the best decision I’ve ever made in my life. I’ve been here for just under a week, and I can say that with 100% confidence. The experiences, the benefits to my Spanish skills, the people that I’ve encountered and everything in between has been incredible. I believe that everyone else will agree. Pura Vida.

Stay tuned to find out what happens in the next exciting chapter of this journey!

-Travis P.

Travis Parker

My name is Travis Parker. I'm a 25 year old senior at the University of North Alabama, where I am majoring in Spanish and minoring in International Studies. I'm from the small town of Moulton, Alabama originally, but I currently live in Florence, Alabama. I have a deep love for learning about other cultures and traveling. I will be blogging about my experiences in Costa Rica for UNA. Adventure awaits! ¡Pura Vida!

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