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Costa Rica

Raccoons on the beach

The Beach!!!!!

Hola everyone! Today I’m taking you all to the beach! Yeah, soaking up the sun. The place that we went to is called Manuel Antonio and it is in a national reserve, which I thought was pretty amazing. We had to buy tickets to get in because they only allow 1,000 people to come in a day and it took about forty minutes to walk there because we were looking at all of the animals and bugs. Usually, if you visit by yourself, then you would hire a trail guide to point things out and look at stuff with a telescope, but our guide was super awesome and brought his own. A lot of the videos of the animals will be taken through that scope. CPI did a fantastic job when they chose him (he even thought of snacks, which is an automatic win). There’s also a couple of surprise videos in there about a few of the fun, safe stops that you will have when you visit. I apologize for the choppiness because this is actually the first video I made. 🙂


¡Pure Vida from Costa Rica!













Olivia Melvin

Hi, everyone! I'm a 20-year-old senior majoring in Sociology and minoring in Psychology and Spanish. I'm originally from Puyallup, WA, but I've lived in six states since then with my six brothers and sisters. Visiting Costa Rica will be my first time leaving the country, but I hope it will be a precursor for future traveling adventures!

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