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Site Features Map:
This map shows all of the different elements that were part of the Battle of Sulphur Creek. The map shows where batteries, brigades and divisions were located throughout the battle. The map also shows where the original National Register Boundary of 1973 was and where our proposed boundary currently is.

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Phase 1 Map:
This map shows the first phase of the battle of Sulphur Creek Trestle. The first phase was in the early morning of September 25, 1864. Kelly and Johnson's Brigade were the only ones in position at this time and were firing at the Union troops.

Download The Phase 1 Map file in PDF or PNG format.

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Phase 2 Map:
This map shows the second phase of the battle of Sulphur Creek Trestle. The second phase was in the afternoon on September 25, 1864. After the union denied surrendering, the Confederate troops moved into position and fired upon the Union troops.

Download The Phase 2 Map file in PDF or PNG format.

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Boundaries Map:
This map shows the National Register of 1973 and the new proposed boundary of the battle of Sulphur Creek Trestle. The map also shows latitude and longitude coordinates of the new proposed boundary.

Download The Boundaries Map file in PDF or PNG format.

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